The Christian News Today is centred on bringing information by revelation for transformational experiences in every aspect of the Christian life. It is a monthly blog, featuring three different articles in one quarterly edition. Each of these articles shall feature separately; an article per month for three months under the quarterly theme of the edition.
The focus of the Christian News Today is to bring revival and full Christian experience to the body of Christ; through the teaching of practical biblical principles. This biblical principles cover the three arms of the mandate given to me by God. It is the three-point agenda for the church, the ABC agenda for the body of Christ, the church of the living God.
This is the word of the Lord: ‘’ And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.’’ Isaiah 61: 4.
For there is a great purpose determined by God for the church; the body of Christ is about to enter into a greater dispensation of glory and power. This, I know very well that; ‘’ When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory.’’ Psalm 102: 16.
The psalmist further prophesied about a particular future day that the Lord has made; saying ‘’ this is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.’’ Psalm 118: 24.
This is no other day than the dispensation of greater glory and greater power.
I want to congratulate you, because you are part of that glorious body, that great nation apportioned for this greater dispensation of glory manifestation. But it is not the day made by any man, it is ‘’the day that the Lord has made.’’
Just like every great move of the Lord would always be preceded by a call from the Lord; to blow the trumpet in Zion and herald the good news; so also it is now.
There is a call that begins by building up, until there be a change in status ( the experience of spiritual and personal development, with a cumulative effect on the Christian lives). This automatically positions the Christian that has been built up and raised up at the top of the ladder of life. Hence, completing the circle of the ABC agenda of God – by raising up leaders. Remember this; that God has appointed you to occupy the headship position of life and never the tail region of life.
But Zion can never appear in the fullness of his glory without first of all a building-up. Zion must be built up according to the biblical pattern laid down by the Lord Himself. There is already a deviation and total neglect of the ancient pathway, the outcome of this is that Zion has become a shadow of itself.
There is a neglect that spans from generation to generation and the outcome is the present-day deterioration and desolations of many generations now existing in this present (contemporary) generation of Christians. This present state of deterioration by deviation from biblical truth and principles is not the appearance of the living church begotten by the living seed.
This is a call to repair, build up and raise up lives that have deteriorated, shrunk and withered away, because it lacked the proper nutrition from a proper diet of the word of God, which is the truth and all of the truth.
Brethren, it is time for reformation by transformation through revelation by information. The only life that will grow well bear fruits and likewise stand the test of time, it is the life that has been built up on the word of God. This is the whole essence of the Christian News Today – to be built up on the word of God.
This is what the great Teacher Himself said: ‘’ Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house; and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock.’’ Mathew 7: 24-25.
Every wise builder is ever mindful of the foundation of the building structure, and there is no other foundation but the word of God, any other foundation is but sinking sand.
Therefore, the repair of broken and damaged destinies will only take place by reformation. This is because there can never be any meaningful transformation of lives without reformation. And true reformation begins right from the foundation of life, by the revelation of the truth broken down to principles, which are to be applied rightly.
The old foundation upon which the old structure were built up; those strange doctrines must be pulled down (without negotiation). Then, we lay a new foundation based on the truth according to the word of God. This is laying the foundation for true reformation.
On this platform of the revelation of truth, we are permitted to build lives. And as lives are being built up on the truth by the truth; growth (Spiritual and personal growth) becomes imminent (inevitable) and a living experience.
When there is visible growth; it would be evidenced by visible raise, a prominent change in status; (spiritual, mental and physical), by the fruits we bear. So, we build up lives to raise up lives.
And when there is visible raise in lives, we are no longer hidden; we have duties to discharge. We also need to sustain the leadership status by exhibiting true leadership spirit and potential. And by this, we raise leaders.
This is the ABC agenda of God:
- Build lives
- Raise lives
- Raise leaders
The Christian News Today targets at fulfilling the ABC agenda by producing articles on these three Christian positionings in one volume quarterly.
- FIRST MONTH: Based on building lives shall feature; THE CHRISTIAN LIFE – bringing life-building experience through information by revelation for Spiritual and Personal development.
- SECOND MONTH: Based on raising lives shall feature THE CHRISTIAN BUSINESS LIFE – bringing life-raising experience through the biblical teachings of success principles.
- THIRD MONTH: Based on raising leaders shall feature; THE CHRISTIAN LEADERSHIP CONCEPT AND PRINCIPLES-bringing life-fulfilling experience, to fulfil the unique role of dominion giving unto man from creation, through the practical application of biblical leadership concepts and principles.
- THE THREE FEATURES: shall come under a quarterly theme.
So we bring:
- Life-Building Experience
- Life-Raising Experience
- Life-Fulfilling Experience
This is the Christian News Today.
For the full gospel is not yet full unless there is a living and a visible experience of the fullness of the life of Christ in all our individual life experiences and in the entire body of Christ.
Visit our website monthly for the Christian News Today. I am sure that you will certainly have an encounter that would revolutionize your total Christian life and experience; having in mind that the agenda of Christ for his Church is a total success plan.
You are blessed in JESUS NAME.